
This bundle provides convenient integration of the popular DataTables jQuery library for realtime AJAX tables in your Symfony 4.1+ application.

Designed to be fully pluggable there are no limits to the data sources you can display through this library, nor are there any bounds on how they are displayed. In full 'batteries included but replaceable' philosophy there are ready made adapters for common use cases like Doctrine ORM, but they are trivial to replace or extend.


Recommended way of installing this library is through Composer.

composer require omines/datatables-bundle

Please ensure you are using Symfony 4.1 or later. If you are using Symfony Flex a recipe is included in the contrib repository, providing automatic installation and configuration.

public function registerBundles()
    // After Symfony's own bundles 
    new \Omines\DataTablesBundle\DataTablesBundle(),
    // Before your application bundles

After installation, if not using Flex, you should register the bundle to your kernel, commonly AppKernel.php, before your own bundles but after the required external bundles, such as FrameworkBundle and TwigBundle.

Run the assets:install command to deploy the included Javascript files to your application's public folder.

bin/console assets:install

That last step is optional, as you can also load it through Assetic or WebPack, but a good starting point.

Clientside dependencies

<!-- in the <head> section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>

<!-- before the closing <body> tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

All serverside dependencies are managed by Composer. Clientside dependencies are left up the implementer to decide how to include which DataTables dependencies. As long are you are using a fairly up to date version of DataTables you should be fine, as the bundle does not use exotic features or depend on plugins.

The code snippets here should get you started quickly, including jQuery 3. For more extensive download options visit


use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Column\TextColumn;
use Omines\DataTablesBundle\DataTableFactory;

class MyController extends Controller
    public function showAction(Request $request, DataTableFactory $dataTableFactory)
        $table = $dataTableFactory->create()
            ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class)
            ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class)
            ->createAdapter(ArrayAdapter::class, [
                ['firstName' => 'Donald', 'lastName' => 'Trump'],
                ['firstName' => 'Barack', 'lastName' => 'Obama'],

        if ($table->isCallback()) {
            return $table->getResponse();

        return $this->render('list.html.twig', ['datatable' => $table]);

This trivial bit of code in your controller prepares a fully functional DataTables instance for use.

The DataTableFactory service is injected to expose convenience methods in your controller for easy instantiation. The create function is used in this example. On the DataTable instance we add 2 columns of type TextColumn, and we bind it to an adapter providing a static array as the source of the data.

The handleRequest function will take care of handling any callbacks, similar to how Symfony's Form component works. If it turns out the request originated from a callback we let the table provide the controller response, otherwise we render a template with the table provided as a parameter.

Controller setup

Previous versions of this bundle offered a DataTablesTrait which assumed that the DataTableFactory class was available in the controller's $container. As this is deprecated in current versions of Symfony you should use dependency injection instead.

Frontend code

<!-- Insert this where you want the table to appear -->
<div id="presidents">Loading...</div>

<!-- Insert this at the end of your body element, but before the closing tag -->
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/datatables/js/datatables.js') }}"></script>
$(function() {
    $('#presidents').initDataTables({{ datatable_settings(datatable) }});

In your Twig template, list.html.twig in the example, we need to ensure the HTML has a container element ready to contain the table. During load its contents will be erased, so you can put a loading indicator in there like we did here.

Then you include the Javascript deployed to your public folder, and run a single command on a jQuery selection of the container element. The datatable_settings Twig function will render a compact JSON string with the configured settings required for initialization.

And that's it, the library will take it from here and your table will be shown on your webpage!



    # Load i18n data from DataTables CDN or locally
    language_from_cdn:    true

    # Default HTTP method to be used for callbacks
    method:               POST # One of "GET"; "POST"

    # Default options to load into DataTables
        option:           value           

    # Where to persist the current table state automatically
    persist_state:        fragment # One of "none"; "query"; "fragment"; "local"; "session"

    # Default service used to render templates, built-in TwigRenderer uses global Twig environment
    renderer:             Omines\DataTablesBundle\Twig\TwigRenderer

    # Default template to be used for DataTables HTML
    template:             '@DataTables/datatable_html.html.twig'

    # Default parameters to be passed to the template

        # Default class attribute to apply to the root table elements
        className:        'table table-bordered'

        # If and where to enable the DataTables Filter module
        columnFilter:     null # One of "thead"; "tfoot"; "both"; null

    # Default translation domain to be used
    translation_domain:   messages

Global configuration of the bundle is done in your Symfony config file. The default configuration is shown here, and should be fine in most cases. Most settings can be overridden per table, but for most applications you will want to make changes at the global level so they are applied everywhere, providing a uniform look and feel.

The following settings exist at the configuration level:

Option Type Description
language_from_cdn bool Load i18n files from DataTables CDN or from Symfony Translations.
options object Default options that will be passed to DataTables clientside initialization.
method string Either GET or POST to indicate which HTTP method to use for callbacks.
renderer string Service used to render the table HTML, which must implement the DataTableRendererInterface.
template string Default template to be used for rendering the basic HTML table in your templates.
template_parameters object Default parameters to be passed to the template during rendering.
translation_domains string Default Symfony Translation Domain used where translations are used.

All settings can be overridden on individual tables by calling the corresponding setter function, ie. setLanguageFromCDN(bool).

The options are passed (almost) verbatim to the DataTables clientside constructor. Refer to the external documentation below for details on individual options. Only options which are meaningful to be defined serverside can be set at this level, so setting callbacks and events is not possible. These are however easily set on the Javascript end.

Table configuration

Configuring a specific table is done mainly via the methods on DataTable. The most common call is add to add an extra column to the table as seen in all the examples. More utility methods exist and can be chained.

->addOrderBy($column, string $direction = DataTable::SORT_ASCENDING)
Will set the default sort of the table to the specified column and direction. Repeatable to sort by multiple columns.


Adapters are the core elements bridging DataTables functionality to their underlying data source. Popular implementations for common data sources are provided, and more are welcomed.

An adapter is called by the bundle when a request for data has been formulated, including search and sorting criteria, and returns a result set with metadata on record counts.

Ready-made adapters are supplied for easy integration with various data sources.

Doctrine ORM

use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Adapter\Doctrine\ORMAdapter;

$table = $this->createDataTable()
    ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class)
    ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class)
    ->add('company', TextColumn::class, ['field' => ''])
    ->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
        'entity' => Employee::class,

If you have installed doctrine/orm and doctrine/doctrine-bundle you can use the provided ORMAdapter. Assume a simple Employee table with some basic fields and a ManyToOne relationship to Company for these examples.

The ORMAdapter has a single mandatory property entity, which should be set to the full FQCN of the main entity the table is showing.

Underneath a lot of "magic" is happening in this most simple of examples. The first 2 columns automatically have their field option defaulted to the "root entity" of the adapter, with the field identical to their name. The adapter itself did not get a query, and as such injected the AutomaticQueryBuilder supplied by this bundle, which scans the metadata and automatically joins and selects the right data based on the fields. Secondly, since no criteria processors were supplied a default SearchCriteriaProvider was injected to apply global search to all mapped fields.

Of course, all of this is just convenient default. For more complex scenarios you can supply your own query builders and criteria providers, and even chain them together to easily implement multiple slightly different tables in your site.

Customizing queries

$table->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
    'entity' => Employee::class,
    'query' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
            ->from(Employee::class, 'e')
            ->leftJoin('', 'c')

If you do not specify the query option the stock AutomaticQueryBuilder is used, which automatically joins the main entity to its relationships recursively to select only the fields defined by the columns. This works fine in many cases, in others you may need to customize the query.

The query property can be set to a single instance or an array of processors, which can either be callables taking a single QueryBuilder as a parameter, or a (anonymous) class implementing the QueryBuilderProcessorInterface. In case of an array the processors are called in the defined order.

In general it is recommended to implement your own query processor completely when you need custom behavior. Chaining on the default AutomaticQueryBuilder is possible, but may cause unexpected interaction based on internal changes in this bundle and/or Doctrine ORM.

Customizing criteria

$table->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
    'entity' => Employee::class,
    'query' => [
        function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
            $builder->andWhere($builder->expr()->like('', ':test'))->setParameter('test', '%ny 2%');
        new SearchCriteriaProvider(),

Analogous to queries you can separately define the criteria processors applied to table queries. The criteria property also takes a single instance or an array, with the separate processors either implementing QueryBuilderProcessorInterface, or being a callback returning a Criteria object as in this example.

Note that implementing your own criteria overrides the default, meaning searching and sorting will no longer work automatically. Add the SearchCriteriaProvider manually to combine the default behavior with your own implementation.


$table->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
    'entity' => Employee::class,
    'query' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) {
            ->from(Employee::class, 'e')
            ->leftJoin('', 'c')

$table->addEventListener(ORMAdapterEvents::PRE_QUERY, function(ORMAdapterQueryEvent $event) {

The PRE_QUERY event is dispatched after the QueryBuilder built the Query and before the iteration starts. It can be useful to configure the cache.


use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Adapter\Elasticsearch\ElasticaAdapter;

$table = $this->createDataTable()
    ->add('timestamp', DateTimeColumn::class, ['field' => '@timestamp', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'orderable' => true])
    ->add('level', MapColumn::class, [
        'default' => '<span class="label label-default">Unknown</span>',
        'map' => ['Emergency', 'Alert', 'Critical', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Notice', 'Info', 'Debug'],
    ->add('message', TextColumn::class, ['globalSearchable' => true])
    ->createAdapter(ElasticaAdapter::class, [
        'client' => ['host' => 'elasticsearch'],
        'index' => 'logstash-*',

If you have installed ruflin/elastica you can use the provided ElasticaAdapter to use ElasticSearch indexes as the data source.


use Omines\DataTablesBundle\Adapter\MongoDB\MongoDBAdapter;

$table = $this->createDataTable()
    ->add('name', TextColumn::class)
    ->add('company', TextColumn::class)
    ->createAdapter(MongoDBAdapter::class, [
        'collection' => 'myCollection',

If you have installed mongodb/mongodb you can use the provided MongoDBAdapter to use MongoDB collections as the data source.



Implementing custom adapters



Column classes derive from AbstractColumn, and implement the transformations required to convert raw data into output ready for rendering in a DataTable.

A number of standard columns are provided for common use cases, but you can easily add your own column types for application specific purposes.

Common options

# Some example columns
    ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, ['label' => '', 'className' => 'bold'])
    ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class, ['render' => '<strong>%s</strong>', 'raw' => true])
    ->add('email', TextColumn::class, ['render' => function($value, $context) {
        return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $value, $value);

All column types have the following options:

Option Type Description
label string Basic translation label shown in the header of the table. Defaults to the name of the column.
data string/callable/null The default value if a null value is encountered, or a callable function to transform data.
field string/null A field mapping to be used by adapters to fill data.
propertyPath string/null A property path to be applied to the raw adapter row data.
visible bool Whether the column will be visible. Default true.
orderable bool/null Whether the column can be sorted upon. Defaults to the presence of the orderField.
orderField string/null The field to order by when the column is sorted. Defaults to the value of field.
searchable bool/null Whether the column can be searched upon. Defaults to the presence of field.
globalSearchable bool/null Whether the column participates in global searches. Defaults to the presence of field.
className string/null A CSS class to be applied to all cells in this column.
render string/callable/null Either a sprintf compatible format string, or a callable function providing rendering conversion, or default null.


$table->add('customerName', TextColumn::class, ['field' => '']);

Text columns are the most frequently used column type, as they can be used to display any kind of data that is eventually rendered as plain text.

The TextColumn type exposes a single option on top of its ancestor AbstractColumn:

Option Type Description
raw bool Do not escape cell content to be safe for use in HTML. Default false.


$table->add('wantsNewsletter', BoolColumn::class, [
    'trueValue' => 'yes',
    'falseValue' => 'no',
    'nullValue' => 'unknown',

Bool columns render a boolean value, which is allowed to be indeterminate (null). Three properties define how values are rendered:

Option Type Description
trueValue string Raw string to use for true-ish values. Default true.
falseValue string Raw string to use for false-ish values. Default false.
nullValue string Raw string to use for null values. Default null.


$table->add('registrationDate', DateTimeColumn::class, ['format' => 'd-m-Y']);

DateTime columns render a \DateTimeInterface implementing class, such as \DateTime, to a string result. If data of other types is encountered automatic conversion is attempted following common PHP formats.

Option Type Description
createFromFormat string Custom format for creating DateTime objects from values. A format string accepted by DateTime::createFromFormat() function.
format string A date format string as accepted by the date() function. Default 'c'.
nullValue string Raw string to display for null values. Defaults to the empty string.


$table->add('gender', MapColumn::class, [
    'default' => 'not provided',
    'map' => [
        'f' => 'Female',
        'm' => 'Male',

Map columns used to transform a discrete collection of values into proper display counterparts. This can be useful to convert enumerated fields such as log severity levels, or genders as in the example. Fields which are not present in the column's map return the default value, if this is null the source value itself is shown unmodified.

The MapColumn type extends TextColumn, as such inheriting the raw property, while adding its own:

Option Type Description
default string/null Value to be shown for source data not found in the map. Default null.
map array Associative array containing available mappings. Mandatory without default.


$table->add('buttons', TwigColumn::class, [
    'className' => 'buttons',
    'template' => 'tables/buttonbar.html.twig',

This column type allows you to specify a Twig template used to render the column's cells. The template is rendered using the main application context by injecting the main Twig service. Additionally the value and row parameters are being filled by the cell value and the row level context respectively.

Option Type Description
template string Template path resolvable by the Symfony templating component. Required without default.


$table->add('link', TwigStringColumn::class, [
    'template' => '<a href="{{ url(\'employee.edit\', {id:}) }}">{{ row.firstName }} {{ row.lastName }}</a>',

This column type allows you to inline a Twig template as a string used to render the column's cells. The template is rendered using the main application context by injecting the main Twig service. Additionally, the value and row parameters are being filled by the cell value and the row level context respectively.

This column type requires StringLoaderExtension to be enabled in your Twig environment.

        tags: [twig.extension]
Option Type Description
template string Template content resolvable by the Symfony templating component. Required without default.

Implementing custom columns


DataTable Types

$table = $this->createDataTableFromType(PresidentsTableType::class)

Having the table configuration in your controller is convenient, but not practical for reusable or extensible tables, or highly customized tables. In the example above we could also create a class DataTable\Type\PresidentsTableType in our app bundle, and make it implement Omines\DataTablesBundle\DataTableTypeInterface. We can then use the code illustrated here to instantiate the reusable class in the controller.

This ensures your controllers stay lean and short, and only delegate tasks. The first parameter takes either a Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) to instantiate the class dynamically, or a registered service with a datatables.type tag. Use a service if you need to inject dependencies dynamically. When using Symfony's autoconfiguration the tag will be applied automatically.

Of course you can modify the base type to fit the controller's specific needs before calling handleRequest. Secondly, the createDataTableFromType function accepts an array as a second argument which is passed to the type class for parametrized instantiation.


$('#table1').initDataTables({{ datatable_settings(datatable1) }}, {
    searching: true,
    buttons: [
        { extend: 'pdf', title: 'domains'},
        { extend: 'print' }
}).then(function(dt) {
    // dt contains the initialized instance of DataTables
    dt.on('draw', function() {
        alert('Redrawing table');

During the quickstart we introduced the initDataTables Javascript function, taking the serverside settings as its argument. The function takes an optional second argument, which is merged into the serverside settings to override any template-specific changes, but as this is executed in the browser it also means this is where you can add Javascript events according to DataTables documentation.

The function returns a Promise which is fulfilled with the DataTables instance once initialization is completed. This allows you all the flexibility you could need to invoke API functions.

Exporting Data

DataTables natively supports exporting the current view as an Excel sheet, PDF, etc. The problem with this is that this is all generated on the client's end, meaning you'll be unable to export all data at once unless it happens to fit on a single screen. This is why this bundle supports exporting data from the server's end instead.


To make use of the exporting functionality in this bundle, there are some extra dependencies you may want to install. The server-side export feature requires the Buttons extension offered by DataTables. Make sure to install it before using this feature.

Currently included in the bundle there are a DataTableExporter for Excel spreadsheets and one for CSV. If you'd like to use the Excel exporter you will need to add phpoffice/phpspreadsheet to your dependencies.


Server Side Setup

On the server side of things you don't need to do anything besides the setup mentioned above. You can however customize some things like the filename of the file that is being generated. To do this, all you will need to add is an event listener that will handle passing the resulting file back to the user.

$table = $dataTableFactory->create()
    ->addEventListener(DataTableExporterEvents::PRE_RESPONSE, function (DataTableExporterResponseEvent $e) {
        $response = $e->getResponse();
        $ext = $response->getFile()->getExtension();
        $response->setContentDisposition(ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'custom_filename.' . $ext);

Client Side Setup

On the client side of things you will need to actually show a button that will trigger the export action. Making use of the aforementioned Buttons extension the important bit of code involved is a call to $.fn.initDataTables.exportBtnAction which takes the name of the DataTableExporter you are using as its first parameter and the table's settings as the second. Currently this bundle natively supports excel and csv as valid options, but it is possible to make your own custom DataTableExporter as well.

$(function() {
    $('#table').initDataTables({{ datatable_settings(datatable) }}, {
        buttons: [
                text: 'Export to Excel',
                action: $.fn.initDataTables.exportBtnAction('excel', {{ datatable_settings(datatable) }})

Custom Exporters

Excel and CSV are nice but there are other formats you may want to export to. You can support this by implementing the Omines\DataTablesBundle\Exporter\DataTableExporterInterface in a class of your own. You will need to register this class as service in Symfony as well and the service needs to be tagged with datatables.exporter. If you have autoconfigure turned on this should be done for you automatically.


This software was developed for internal use at Omines Full Service Internetbureau in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It is shared with the general public under the permissive MIT license, without any guarantee of fitness for any particular purpose. Refer to the included LICENSE file for more details.